Monday, January 11, 2010

Nursery Bedding

So, since we are 90% sure there is a little girl growing in my belly, I have started planning out the nursery. For colors, I like green and pink everything for a little girl. I've fallen in love with this bedding from Pottery Barn Kids:

I think it will look perfect against light green walls, natural wood crib and my antique white wicker furniture. What do you think?

It's been a while...

I'm back and 20 weeks pregnant! I can't believe I've made it this far! Time is going by so fast and our baby is getting so big! We went for the Level II ultrasound last week. This is the appointment where they look at all the organs and take a lot of measurements. They also tell you the sex of the baby if he/she is cooperating. Well, our little one wasn't cooperating very well... so we have to go back on the 19th for another ultrasound. It looks like we have a little girl in there, but we will know for certain on the 19th! I'm so excited!! :)

Survey Time!
* How far along?: 20 Weeks 3 Days
* Total weight gain: Probably 10 lbs... I don't own a scale. I will find out on the 20th at my regular OB appointment.
* How big is baby?: 12 ounces as of 1/5/10!
* Sex: We think it's a girl, but will confirm on the 19th!
* Maternity clothes?: Yes... maternity clothes are so ugly. Why do all shirts have to tie in the back, or the front??
* Stretch marks?: No, and let's hope it stays that way!
* Sleep?: Still great!
* Best moment this week? We are going to our first prenatal class on Wednesday night that I'm looking forward to!
* Movement?: No... I don't feel anything.
* Food cravings?: Pancakes with fresh fruit! YUM!
* Labor signs?: No
* Belly button in or out?: In, but becoming stretched to the max!
* What I miss: Having a glass of wine
* What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the bathroom upstairs!